Topic: Oxygen Refit Icons for Gnome
I just released Version 0.6.0 of the Oxygen Refit Icon Theme for Gnome
Oxygen Refit is the Gnome Port of the two KDE Icon Themes Oxygen and Crystal Project.
If you use Debian/Ubuntu you can install it via an apt repo ... read here
else you can download it from here
You'll also find Screenshots inside of each subdirectory and a README with installation instructions, if nessacary.
There are 5 SubProjects:
- Oxygen Refit for Gnome
- Oxygen for gFTP
- Oxygen for GnomeBaker
- Oxygen for Graveman!
- Oxygen for GConf-Editor
Future Plans:
Oxygen Refit:
- more app icons
- icons for the applets/sub projects of gnome
Oxygen for Exaile
maybe more.
Tell me what you thing and Have Fun.