You know, although I never used TuxFamily as a place to host any projects, I, and some of the developers I subscribe to, sure did; Ever since the days when CP/M was hot, nobody ever heard of ADSL, Red Hat 9 was the Linux distribution everyone who was anyone was running, I used your systems without realizing it, to make mine something to behold. Even now, what made my systems really nice to use was the Glx-Dock (Cairo-Dock) people made their software available through you, and, I don't know who set-up their installation/update system, but they really created something that was a joy to use.
But, a short time ago, I brought-up a new system, began installing Cairo-Dock, and to my amazement, I couldn't install any plugins. It appears that they removed everything from TuxFamily and put it on GitHub. Well, let me tell you, all I get from Git is a headache. No more drag & drop plugins to the dock. Just a bunch of source code that doesn't compile and distro packages that have been cut-off at the knees. Now, as if I don't have enough to do, I'll have to learn how to build that program myself. But, I know that's not your problem.
I used to host things for other people, too. Web pages and bulletin-boards, a Usesnet server with a UUCP POTS backup channel, and some Amateur Radio software, as well. It was fun and I enjoyed helping folks out. I never charged anything, nor did I ever receive any donations. Everything was free. My hardware, new to me, but was actually old and eventually those old MFM drives and their Winchester controllers started giving-up. Upgrading was fun, but it was still old stuff. Never had anything newer than at least 10-years old. Now, I've retired, and on a fixed-income, and all I have left is four old Dell servers with SCSI RAID arrays that might last as long as me, but we'll see, I guess.
Anyhow, I finally created an account here, and I'll stick around as long as I'm around. Who knows. A lot of old things are seeing a resurgence as people recognize that the newest things often bring more problems with them than they solve.
Thank-you so very much for all work, over all the years.